Reading and writing skills, companies in Jugla
Zeltābele, logopēdijas un attīstības centrs
1. Individual speech therapist classes at:
✓ speech therapist - teacher, ✓ audiologist classes2. Group logarithmic lessons
3. Lessons to improve reading and writing skills
4. General preparation for school
5. Lessons in WARM CEREALS( warm grains)
6. Audiologist classes
Relaxing and developing classes for children and young people, the goal - to reduce stress and promote development. Grains create impulses on receptors and enter the brain via nerve pathways, reducing stress hormones, improving blood supply to the skin, metabolic processes and balancing brain activity. The lessons include emotional education, i.e. building the skills of recognizing one's own and other people's emotional states. We recommend classes for children in need: & bull; Reducing anxiety during adaptation in kindergarten, school, etc. in transitional stages; & bull; For children with emotional difficulties; & bull; Rest and relaxation, recovery of inner harmony in an anxious stage of life
Apply: +371 29349149